Four Decades of Goalpost Design, Goalpost Safety, Innovation and Manufacture.
Four Decades of Goalpost Design, Goalpost Safety, Innovation and Manufacture.
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Itsa Goal Posts Ltd are the original inventors of uPVC Portable Children’s mini soccer goals size 12’x6′ – 3.6 x 1.83m . This lightweight portable goal invented by our MD John Wilson ( circa 1986) led to many copy cat goalposts including samba goals, forza goals, mitre goals to name just a few. All these football goalposts are not the same design as our unique Itsa Goal Posts designs. Our goalpost corners are specially strengthened to make them stronger and will last much longer. They are calculated to be 300 % stronger and this is we offer a much longer goalpost guarantee.
Before you buy garden goals look at the component parts and make sure they are strong and include a long guarantee.
Before buying a garden goalpost consider the following :
1. If the net support can bend at the back it is made of much thinner tube than can crease and break, all Itsa Goal posts have a much stronger wall thickness of tube.
2. Our corner brackets are 300% stronger than all other upvc goalpost corners which is why we offer the longest goalpost guarantee.
3. The nets will last much longer on goals that include proper net fixings, Arrrow fixings are the best way to fit nets to goals and are recommended by the National Playing Fields Associatiation.
4. Nets wrapped around posts on the ground will fray along the ground and quickly wear out - buy Itsa Goal where the net fixes on the top edge of the ground bases to prevent this.
5. Always check product reviews, not service reviews… need to know how the product stood up to use not how fast the delivery was! Dont take our word for it read our goalpost reviews spanning back more than thirty years.......this is our best review....
If "Carlsberg" made football goals.......I don’t normally write reviews but felt given the level of personal service and the quality of the football goal I received, it was imperative that I did. I wanted a football goal for my son, aged six. I did the usual research, others dad’s and the Internet, as well as the high street stores and supermarkets. All sources came back with mixed reviews, faulty nets, goals that either collapsed, rusted, or needed a degree in quantum physics to understand the instructions! I then found I rang the number on the website and spoke to John Wilson, he could not have been more helpful, he listened and listened to my ever-expanding needs, a personal service as it should be, no hard sell, just friendly advice on what to look for in a goal.
In time-honoured fashion, I left it late to order for my son’s birthday. I rang and spoke to Jon Paul Wilson who was fantastic (personal service runs in the family) as although in the middle of stocktaking and closed, he organised and sent out the football goal which arrived the next day! The football goal is perfect, a late-night construction and I am no DIY expert! Hey, presto the chance to relive my youth, oh and of course a present for my son and heir! Study, solid and withstanding the great British weather! Before you ask, no I am not related or work for Itsa Goal Posts I am just a dad who wanted a football goal in the garden for his son. An excellent product, superb company, as I said in the beginning, if Carlsberg made football goals........... this would be the place. Thank you so much for your help and patience. I will be back to buy again and have already recommended to all and sundry.
Goalpost reviews : Steve Horner 2014
6. Always consider if the goal includes free delivery and the delivery cost is paid by the sender , the real product price is lower and you generally get what you pay for !
7. How long is the guarantee ? check this out before buying. Itsa Goal offer a standard two years guarantee with all their uPVC that can be extended to three years by registering your gurantee and adding a review...The goalpost has instructions in the box how to do this!. No other goalpost manuafcturer offers a guarantee as long as this.
Which football goalpost is best for the Garden ? ….What size of goalpost is best for the Garden? …What are the differences in the various Garden goals available?
Today we’re covering the best football goals for the garden in 2024 for sale in the U.K. Safe lightweight plastic garden goals are ideal for young children owing to goals being lightweight and safe yet strong enough for high impact shots. All football goalposts reviewed are tested to the relevant safety standards. All the goals shown include goalpost guarantees.
Best Goalposts – Are you considering buying a children’s football goal and need advice on what size football goal to buy and which are the best goalposts? This handy football best goalpost guide covers everything you need to know to get the most suitable value for money goal for your garden.
With all the various garden goals what size football goal is hard to decide. Finding the best football goal for your garden is primarily determined by the area you have available, the age of the players, the surface played on (normally grass) and also do you intend to store goals after games as some goals can be left in situ and some fold away. We also offer a full size adult 24'x8' goal that has a sectional crossbar that packs away in a bag !
How much space do you have in the garden ?
Check your garden space before buying a goal. The photogrpahs online are hard to see the proportions. Measure the width and length of your garden area. Most goalposts are measured in Feet, the most common goalpost for a garden is 8 foot wide, which is 2.4m or 12 foot long which is 3.6m wide. Ideally if the space allows leave some space on either side of you goal for corners, however this depends on your garden. The most important factor is the goal fits the space with an area in front for play.
How old are the players using the goal ?
Age range is a factor to consider. The garden goal post height needs considering in relation to the child’s height. A full size regulation goal in adult matches, is 24′ x 8′ (7.3m×2.4m) so with this in mind if the goal is for an outfield player the goal should ideally be in proportion to afull size goal, so from an early age practice shooting into a goal that is a similar proportion length to height to a regulation adult goal may help in development.
Our mini soccer 12’x6′ (3.6mx1.8m) goal is proportionally accurate so provide a more realistic goal size for a child. However, if you goal is for budding goalkeeper the goal width and height would be better to be a little larger to enable practicing diving. Furthermore, this is why the official leagues use 12’x 6′(3.6m x 1.8m) for under 11 years of age players and likewise 9v9 Youth games use 16’x7′(4.18m x 2.1m); they are proportional goals to full size goals.
You can see by the goalposts size chart below this is a proportional goal so children have a more realistic goalpost for their size. With this in mind if you garden is large enough the 12’x6′ (3.6m wide by 1.8m high) goal is a great size of goal if your child is around 9-11 years of age as they may start to play in this size of goal in local organised mini soccer leagues.
Our range of freestanding goals are made from the latest UV resistant high impact strong weatherproof uPVC which makes them extremely long lasting, lightweight and portable. They are also weatherproof and will last many years.
The Itsa Goal products all have 300% stonger corner brackets than all other uPVC Goals on the market – this is due to being made with a much thicker wall and so a more dense stronger corner joint. The design is also different , it incorporates a separate spigot that is made even stronger that locks into the corner bracket. All the uPVC Goals are fully locking so every post is locked to every corner. Our range of uPVC goals also have additional locking to the compettition, our back net supports also lock in place so do not come out as does happen with other goals that have push in back net support fittings, look at the instructions of the goals before you buy! The corner bracket images are the strongest corner brackets on plastic goals in the U.K, It is evident by the thickness of the end of the garden goal corner bracket shown below.
The Itsa Goal range include proper net fixings. If you intend the assemble your goals and leave in place the net ties are ideal. For football clubs that may want to take nets on and off goals to packs goals away after games, the optional Arrow head fixings are an advantage. You can see how easy the net fixes to the Arrow fixings an a uPVC crossbar below.
We do not recommend steel goals for the garden and children. Freestanding steel goalposts are heavy making them potentially dangerous. The only exception is socketed steel lockable anti- theft goals that are patented and only available from our goalpost store. click here for more information. These goals should never be left leant against a wall, always lay them flat on the ground or ideally locked in their sockets.
Weighing less than steel enables aluminium freestanding goalpost models to be transported, wheeled more easily. Aluminium goalposts are more expensive but do not rust. so they can outlast any other type of goal. They are good for the environment as they can also be recycled – so it is a sustainable. The goals have a proper rebound and you will not get a dip on the larger plastic goal crossbars. ITSA GOAL is an FA suitable football goal supplier and our aluminium goal range has passed strict independent BS EN safety standards tests. click here for more information on aluminium goals